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    Generator Six With Sound, Help    

Now you can use the Chord Generator Six to find any chord then add and remove notes and print your unique results.
You can click on any name found then edit it in the top left box to anything you want and it will be used in the print display. This allows for alternate bass note chords... like D/C# or anything you can think of.
Fretboard display shows either fret numbers or chord notes. When the 'open' box is clicked and the fret is set to some number, the top space alternates between open note, your chosen fret or unplayed string (blank).
You can create your own tuning, click 'set' then 'lock' it in, then use the generator to find chords in your tuning or click notes in and out on the freboard (chords will be shown as fret numbers or the actual note).
Any Key, any Fret, any Scale Generator (shown in fret number or note).
You can Click 'all' and display all possible notes of any chord or any arrangement of notes at any fret any tuning all at once.
Click :  Click in text box or on the arrow to display the possible selections of your choice, then move mouse cursor arrow to desired choice and click on it.
Sound: Listen  This new sound program comes with an additional check-box and listen-clicker. This enables individual notes and/or strum chord on mouseover of notes or one-shot chord when you click "listen". This also gives you the option of hearing every single chord during chord changes or just hearing the chord when you click-for-it or run the mouse over in a strum. Using Guitar Chord Generator Six you'll hear the chord in real time, including any open strings at any fret or hear individual mouseover notes if wanted. You can design your own chords when you click notes in and out on the fretboard, You can either hear only the note that you click-in and the notes that already are clicked-in on a return mouseover then the whole chord when you click "listen" or "check the box" and hear every note wherever the mouse is, you can even run-it-up a string and hear all the notes at the same time. To hear entered notes... run the mouse over the 6 x's on bottom or the notes displayed in regular form.

Play Checkbox:
This is a special checkbox to turn off the click-in note display, allowing you to click notes on the fretboard and hear them without being entered into memory. (you can "play" the fretboard)
"Play" is turned on automatically when you use "Perfect Pitch"

| Perfect Pitch Stop 
Generator Six comes with a built in Ear Training Device.
To use it: Click "clear" then click "perfect pitch" and the program will sound a random note. You can guess what the note is by clicking on the fretboard. If you are correct, it will show a green dot. If you are wrong, it will show a red dot where you clicked and a blue dot where the correct note actually was. If you have the right note but in the wrong octave, it will show purple dots in both spots. Whenever you get the right note or octave it stops the time clock. High scores are number correct (1 point each) plus correct octaves (1/2 point each) divided by elapsed time. You have to click in a least 10 guesses (right or wrong) to be able to enter a high score (if you get one).
The 10, 25, 100 drop down is as follows...
10 guesses, 7 seconds between.
25 guesses, 6 seconds between.
100 guesses, 5 seconds between.
If you pick incorrectly, those amounts of time are added into the divisor.
If you don't pick a particular note guess... nothing happens.

save | display | new | title :   Anytime you find a chord you like click "save". When you have all the chords you want click "display" and you'll be able to print or save the page. To start over or make a new page... click "new" and it will reset and clear all. You can change anything you want in between/during saves but it's best to leave the tuning and righty/lefty the same for every individual page (or else you'll get mixed up). Got it? If you want DADGAD tuning, ...fine, just leave it DADGAD for the whole chord chart display page. Here's a sample chord chart. If you want your name or a title on the page click ... title

KEY :   Key is the chord letter, sharp or flat of the chord in question.
A = A , Eb = E flat , C# = C sharp

CHORD :  Chord is the variety
min = minor   ,   maj = major   ,   m7 = minor7th   ,   b5 = flat5   ,   5 = no3rd   ,    Dsus4 = Dsus
11th = 1, 5, b7, 9, 11
11xt = 1, b7, 9, 11 --- ( xt means extra, as in extra variation )
m11th = 1, b3, 5, b7, 9, 11
m11xt = 1, b3, 5, b7, 11
13th = 1, 3, 5, b7, 13
half diminished=Ø7 = m7b5
Although this program finds and adds ever possible note to whatever chord you're trying to find, it's fine to play an "A" like this [ x, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0 ] with the "A" as the lowest note even if the program might show you something like [ 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0 ]. Players usually try and use the root note as the lowest note in the chord. There isn't any set rule on how to play a chord other than including at least one of all the needed notes in it.
Alternate / bass note :   If you ever see a chord like D/C# in sheet music or tabs it means to play a D chord with a C# bass note (for instance) [ x, 4, 0, 2, 3, 2 ] ...it's usually best to leave out the original (D) bass note [ x, 4, x, 2, 3, 2 ] if it's close in pitch to the new (C#) bass note. Just check the "bass" or "root" checkbox and only show the new bass note or root bass note. You'll also see what the actual chord names of all the notes might be. Note: root and bass note chords checkboxes are disabled with user defined **** (clicked in) chords.
VARY :  There aren't any actual complete chord diagrams stored anywhere in this program (except on this page). Every chord and variation is generated via an algorithm. Some variations work great for some types of chords but might not even give a result for others, so you might have to check all the chord variations to get a chord that you feel comfortable fingering. If a chord gets computed and has all the needed notes included in it but, it's not using all of the strings (like diagram), it is still a valid playable chord, just don't use the x'd out strings (or increase the span). If a chord gets computed and doesn't have all the notes included in it, it will get the six XXXXXX zap and won't be displayed, and although there is an increased chance of this happening sometimes in alternative tunings, it is quite rare because the program automatically runs through all the different variations if it doesn't find something at the variation you have tried.

FRET :  When the chord is being displayed in an open position the space  on the top of the diagram will be void of any string lines, any selected string in this position means to play the string open. When you select any higher fret the top space will become the chosen fret position, it will include string lines. The diagram on the left is an E open chord, the diagram on the right is a seventh chord on any fret above open.

OPEN :   "Find open strings" when turned on (checked) will add open strings (if possible) to the chord at any fret position, it will give you some nice sounding completely unique chords with open ringing notes. The top row of the diagram is still the selected fret but the strings that show an open circle and a blue string are meant to be played open. The diagram on left is of for instance an "A" chord at the fifth fret with the "A" and "high E" strings being played open.

SPAN :  Span is the amount of distance the chord will span on the fret board.
Q3: means in the open or any fretted position any other possible notes included will be within range of three more frets.
Q6: will give a huge six fret, sometimes impossible stretch.
Important: When the fret amount is set to 7 (the default) span is also used for the size of chords in the print display, this allows for any size display. It's set automatically when you use the generator side of the program. You'll have to make sure it's set to the proper value when you click in your own chords.
When you pick any other fret size... that will also be the amount of frets in the print display.

TUNING :   Tuning changes the whole tuning of the guitar, making it easy to use chords in alternative tunings.
... ATM, alternative tuning machine
EADGBE ... Standard tuning
EBEG#BE ... Open E
EAEAC#E ... Open A
EADF#BE ... Lute tuning
EADGCF ... Blues tuning
DADGAD ... Jimmy Page tuning.
DGCGCD ... Rain Song tuning.
DADF#AD ... Open D
DADGBE ... Drop D
DGDGBD ... Open G
DADACD ... Top Jimmy
CGCGAE ... C 6th
CGDAEG ... Robert Fripp's new standard
GBbDGBbD... G minor tuning
Capo and Drop... Capo with change the tuning to what the guitar would be as if you have a capo on whatever fret number you chose.
Drop1 will give you E flat tuning (like jimi, eddie, kurt cobain, robin trower etc).

Lefty :  If you are a right handed player leave "lefty" alone. If you are a left handed player, click "lefty", this will reverse the way the strings are strung on the guitar thereby reversing all tunings and chord patterns (make sure to click "lock" right after clicking lefty and everything will stay lefty).

Anything is possible...
The best chord name is usually written right out. If not... whatever displays as the shortest name is usually (not necessarily) the best option to use, unless it says "11th" or "13th" somewhere in the display, then that is probably the chord in question and it's showing you what notes are also included in the chord. When it says 11th or 13th it means there is also a 7th included in the chord (any valid 9th, 11th or 13th chord also has a 7th in it), ... the rest of the chord names shown are the program forcing a chord name out of every single note that was picked in the chord. This program will tell you exactly what's in the chord, if's and's and but's. For instance if you're showing a minor chord (minor third) but you also have the third in it, it will say so... m w3 || Rm33 (root, minor third, with 3) ... anything that is usually in a chord but now omitted is x'd out... no5 no3 etc..
"m" : in the result means minor chord or minor third (augmented 9th and minor third are the same notes), scale chart
The display after the chord name...
|| R is the Root, then the exact notes used in the chord.
Here's the whole shebang || R, d2, 2, m3, 3, 4, d5, 5, a5, 6, b7, 7,
That's Root , dim second, second, minor third, third, fourth, dim fifth, fifth, aug fifth, sixth, flat seven (7th), seven (maj7)
If any display in this format has an extra (more than one) 2, 5, or 7 in it, i.e. d22, 5a5, b77, you can usually rule it out.
m33 might actually be something because augmented 9th and minor third are the same notes
example... "C seventh sharp ninth" is a valid chord... C 7th aug9 w3 || Rm335b7
Set as Tuning...
If you want to change the overall tuning... just enter whatever chord notes would sound if you were playing an open chord in the alternative tuning (if you want "Open E" tuning... click in a regular "E chord") then click "Set Tuning" now the guitar is tuned to that arrangement of notes, "Set Tuning" only changes the notes that you have on the fretboard... any string left blank will remain the same (if you want "drop D" you'll only have to click the 6th string, 10th fret). You can use this (of course) for any guitar tuning and also any tuning for any instrument... Ukulele, Mandolin, Banjo, just tune four or five strings to whatever the instrument tuning is... then use only those strings.
For instance Ukulele tuning " � � 5 5 5 5 " = " � � G C E A "
Virtual Capo:
If you want to use a "Virtual Capo", just click on the same fret level across the neck (for instance third fret " 3 3 3 3 3 3 ") then click "set as tuning", now the guitar is tuned "G C F Bb D G" . (of course you can tune it to an alternative tuning and virtual Capo at any fret or whatever/wherever you want).
Example... "Open E tuning" at the fifth fret... = " 5 7 7 6 5 5 " ..."set as tuning"
Now whatever you click on will be displayed as if you had a Capo on the fifth and were tuned to "Open E" or "A E A C# E A"
Note: you don't have to do this all at once, you could've clicked "5 5 5 5 5 5" (meaning... I want capo 5th fret) then "x 2 2 1 x x" (and "open E" ...which is actually an "A" now because you're at the 5th fret) for the same "open E" 5th fret tuning, whatever notes you have on fret board will add into the tuning.
clear will remove everything and set the guitar back to "E A D G B E" tuning unless you have the lock box checked
Whenever you have "set a tuning" you want to save (for instance lefty "E B G D A E" ) click "lock" ...this will "close up shop" and the tuning will stay at what it is presently and won't reset even if you clear the display.
| Sharps | Flats |
Default setting for program note display is most common enharmonic value...
C , C# , D , Eb , E , F , F# , G , Ab , A , Bb , B
if you want to overwrite this form and display only sharps or flats, click your choice
2(9) : a ninth note (the same note as second). If you add the 9th note to any chord it would be considered an "add9" chord.
In an true "ninth" chord the "flat seventh" is also included 1, 3, 5, b7, 9 (in a "C9th" or "C7th" chord the "flat 7th" or "b7" ...usually just called "7th" is a "Bb or A# note").
Any chord that says major... "major ninth", "major thirteenth" means the seventh note has been raised 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (not the ninth or the thirteenth). If the program shows "9" in the display it means the 9th note (or 2nd) is included in the chord. If the program shows something like "minor ninth" you've actually found a true ninth chord variation.
2(9) mnemonic memory device: 2 + 7 = 9
4(11) : an eleventh (the same note as fourth).
In an true "eleventh" chord 1, 3, 5, b7, 9, 11 the ninth and the flat seventh are also included but the 5th and 9th or the 3rd and 5th are usually omitted
4(11) mnemonic memory device: 4 + 7 = 11
6(13) : the thirteenth (the same note as sixth), 
A true "13th" chord includes the... 1, 3, 5, b7, 9, 11, 13
but if you notice there are seven notes ...and that's not going to work on the guitar so the 5th and the 9th or the 9th and the 11th are commonly omitted from chord
6(13) mnemonic memory device: 6 + 7 = 13
Important Note: although some chords like Am7th and C6th will always contain the same notes ... that isn't always necessarily true. Here's the test... if you click in something like... [ 3 3 3 3 3 3 ] and you see | G minor eleventh | C eleventh | Bb 6/9 | it doesn't mean these are the same chords with different names, it means this specific arrangement of notes can be called those names... now click in this... [ 3 3 3 3 3 5 ] and you'll see the | G minor eleventh | has a variation that can still can be called this new arrangement of notes but the other chords have disappeared.

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